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Michael Phelps Was In No Mood For Reporters As He Arrived Back In The United States


Michael Phelps arrived back in the United States with his wife and three-month-old son Wednesday morning after nearly two weeks in Rio for the 2016 Olympics, where he once again made history by winning his 23rd gold medal (bringing his grand total to 28). As one could imagine, the most decorated Olympian of all time was pretty tired after the long flight, and — like most of us would in his shoes — just wanted to get home and rest.

In other words, Phelps understandably had precious little tolerance for boy howdy reporters from Good Morning Arizona sticking a camera and microphone in his poor exhausted face as he tried to make his way through the airport. After trying to stay inconspicuous, walking with his head down and giving the universal wave off of “leave me alone” didn’t work on the reporters, who continued to follow him and shout questions, Phelps was forced to get tough with them.

“I’m not answering any questions, guys,” he told them. “If you can give me that space, while I try to get my family home and safe, I would appreciate it.” The Olympian then offered to have Good Morning Arizona contact his agency for a formal interview before reiterating: “I appreciate you guys coming, but I’m trying to get my family home safe, and that’s what matters the most.”

Ouch. Good thing this wasn’t on live TV or anything… except, oh yeah, it totally was. Lesson learned, we’d hope?

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